Food #4
For our final food blog we have; 1.Canolli from Mike’s Pastry - queue out the door. It was recommended by someone we met. 2.Deep fried oreos from …
For our final food blog we have; 1.Canolli from Mike’s Pastry - queue out the door. It was recommended by someone we met. 2.Deep fried oreos from …
Calories - Calories - Crazy food - and more calories More great food and more crazy American food, in this round we have; 1.Fresh/tasty vietnamese …
The wonders of American food continues… Our weird and wonderful, and sometimes tasty finds…. Cake: Yep - a cookie cake - very rich! It helps to …
Tillamook is famous for its dairy industry. We had lunch at the creamery (cheese curds, mac n cheese, cheese toasted sandwich and pizza), visited the exhibits, …
So many awesome/random foods; our set up shop lucky charms which the kids HAD to have and are still sitting in the cupboard as the taste is not as bright as the …
A great combination